So things have been pretty slack on the paddling front lately,just general laps on the Tuna and the occasional smokey run to keep things interesting, however, we did have a sick week in Wanaka a while back for the circus that is the Burton open.
Basically it was an all expenses paid trip to wanaka to help out at the open and then party in the town at night.
In cases like this pictures are usually way better at doing the talking but I forgot to pack my camera because I was super hungover from my birthday party the night before. Hence the blatant stealing of a video off youtube for your entertainment.
All the big kids were there and gave a whole new meaning to hucking - Mr S White is a freak and set the bar with not only previously unheard of double corks in the pipe but he had to do them back to back. And switch. Enjoy.
The End
8 years ago